domenica 16 giugno 2024

Card "Almost Cute - Lion" by Angela - Creative Team


Hi there!

Today I want to show you all a card which I made for 'Kanjerpost'; an organisation in the Netherlands who tries to lighten life a little for children with a chronic disease by sending post cards. Every month I receive an adress and this month it was for a little girl who likes animals. 

What can you better use than one of the lovely animals of Almost Cute? I have chosen Lion. Lion is available in the Mirtillamente Craftshop just like so many other gorgeous digital images.

I've coloured Lion with my pencils. After cutting the image I used 3D foam strips to stick it on the card. For the finishing touch I glued some glitter glue on Lions ears, tail and paws.

Hope you like it!

Have a lovely sunday


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